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E-mailer E-mailer HOT
(12 votes)


Mailing system to organize marketing campaigns and sending newsletters. Program tested on PHP 7 and optimalized using 500.000 emails databse (min. req. PHP 5.3).



  • Advanced statistics with geolocation for each campaign:
    • opens
    • unique clicks
    • total clicks
    • unsubscribers
    • google map showing who and where opened email
      (API google map v3 is needed)
    • top browsers
    • top Cities
    • top Countries
  • Email sending:
    • Ajax email sending with progress belt showing current sending process
    • PHP Background process – you can close browser window,
      campaign will be still proceed on your server (notify admin by email when finished)
    • SMTP server connection
      • Testing module for SMTP connection before usage
      • Unlimited SMTP connections
    • PHP mail() function
  • Email templates:
    • Easy import predefined 30 usefull email templates
    • Easy to add/edit email template
    • Edit with WYSIWYG TinyMCE and included Images File Manager
    • No limits for templates with template thumbnails manager
    • Supports attachments
    • Testing module for each email template – send it before usage in campaign
  • Languages:
    • arabic – العربية
    • english – english
    • french – français
    • german – deutsche
    • hindi – हिंदी
    • italian – italiano
    • japanese – 日本語
    • polish – polski
    • portuguese – português
    • russian – русский
    • spanish – español


More features:

  • Bounced emails management with IMAP/POP3 connection
  • Campaign can be stored for future sending
  • Change login/password to the system
  • Check unsubscribers by a particullar campaign
  • Clear database function
  • Dashboard view with basic statistics
  • Easy prepare new campaign
  • Easy to install – just upload to server, login and set up database
  • Enable/Disable email tracking
  • Import sample data
  • Import/Export emails from/to CSV file
  • One file configuration
  • Possibility of adding your own components to this system – example component included
  • Possibility of automatic deletion of unsubscriber
  • Possibility of deletion of bounced emails from POP3/IMAP server
  • Possibility of deletion of bounced emails from recipient database
  • Q&A section with most popular usefull issues
  • Responsive
  • Run/Stop/Resume/Delete campaigns
  • Set up database
  • Set up hourly limit for sending emails
  • Subscribtion widget generator for web sites with single/double opt-in option
  • Track emails
  • Unlimited mailing list
  • Unlimited recipients
  • Unlimited senders – set up senders email and description
  • Unlimited tags for recipients
  • Unsubscribe link
  • User friendly admin panel view


Size23 MB
Downloads4 761
Created byPaweł Kłopotowski
Changed byPaweł Kłopotowski
