Web pages developing

Web Applications ON-LINE


Your real projects

in my virtual world

joomla developer

Practical information


World Wide Web - a set of interrelated resources and documents


The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks.

Coding websites

Code page should be semantic, to be friendly to search engines.


Execution of the order web site coding consists of the following steps:

  1. You send to me graphics layout by e-mail with functionality description of the site
  2. I contact you in order to determine the realization date and price
  3. After determining details, you pay an advance of 50% on the given account
  4. I start developing your project
  5. As the deadline you will receive a link to developed web site in order to view and report any amendments
  6. Once accepted, you pay the remaining 50% of the price
  7. I send you the finished page to your email address
  8. If you need I can also upload it on your hosting


Possible forms of settlement:

  1. written order
  2. contract work